Kick-off event September 2021
More than 50 representatives from the construction industry, stakeholders, radon experts, representatives of the authorities, experts from the health sector and others interested in the topic of radon from all over Austria accepted the invitation of the Austrian Radon Center to the kick-off event of the Radon Network Austria.
With the Radiation Protection Act coming into force in 2020 and the new Radon Protection Ordinance, radon protection areas will be designated in Austria for the first time. For all workplaces in the ground floor and basement, there is now an obligation to carry out a radon measurement in the affected municipalities. Experts from the provinces of Upper Austria and Carinthia as well as from the Austrian Radon Center explained different aspects and challenges of radon protection in buildings.
In the context of round table discussions the participants could actively contribute their ideas, wishes and conceptions for the Radon Network Austria in small groups. The results will be taken into account in the design of the Radon Network.